Igwe eji agwakọta PVC na-ekpo ọkụ na oyi rọba
The unit na-ejikọta okpomọkụ Ịgwakọta na jụụ Ịgwakọta ọnụ.The ihe mgbe okpomọkụ Ịgwakọta nwere ike na-enweta n'ime jụụ igwekota maka obi jụrụ na-akpaghị aka, agwụcha fọdụrụ gas na-ezere agglomerates.
Ọ bụ ngwa dị mma maka ịgwakọta plastik.Automatic Plastic Dryer Mixer Machine PVC Powder Vertical or Horizontal Hot Cold Mixing
Igwe igwe igwe igwe , Igwe igwe ihe igwe na-eme ka ọ dị mma maka PVC. -
PVC egwe ọka pulverizer
PVC egwe ọka pulverizer dị elu nke ọma
● Chekwaa na ngbanwe dị mfe nke ịcha oghere
● Ike mbanye dị ala na ntinye dị elu
● Nhazi arụmọrụ ọhụrụ
● Ọ dị mfe ilekọta na ịchịkwa
● Ngwa ngwa dị iche iche
● Na-emegharị ntụ ntụ na-akpaghị aka
● Sistemụ jụrụ oyi
WPC PVC Crust Foam Board Extrusion Line
Ịghasa, gbọmgbọm imewe na n'ichepụta banye Europe elu technology
Ịghasa na gbọmgbọm ihe: 38CrMoAlA, Nitriding emeso
WPC PVC Crust Foam Board Extrusion Line, Plastic PVC Crust Foam Board Artificial Marble Stone Sheet Extrusion Production Machine, PVC Crust Foam Board / Plate Production / Extrusion Line Plastic Sheet Ime Machine, PVC Osisi-Plastic Crust Foam Board Extrusion Machine for Decoration.
bọọdụ robot akpaka stacker
akpaka osisi robot stacker: N'ozuzu akụkụ nke akụrụngwa: 6500 * 1890 * 2600 (5000) mm; The elu nke nkwọ bụ 1150mm-980 mm, nke nwere ike gbanwee na n'etiti nke nkwọ, na ike jikọọ na ọnwụ table. site na nkwado;
Sistemụ eletriki:
Ụdị ọrụ: PLC + ihuenyo mmetụ, ika: Xinje
Ngwa ọkụ dị ala: Omron, Siemens, Schneider;
High ọsọ PE obere ọkpọkọ mmepụta akara
Nnukwu Ọsọ PPR PP PE Plastic Pipe Extrusion Extruder Machine Production Line
Single Screw Plastic Extruder PPR/Pert/PE Pipe Production Line/High Speed Hot and Cold Water System/Saving Energy/Stable Production Machine
1.The ọkpọkọ na-extruded site mbụ extruder wee banye ighikota ụdị igwe, n'otu oge na nkata co-extrusion ebu ụdị ọkpọkọ' udi.
2.The ọkpọkọ dabeere na elu njupụta PE dị ka isi akụrụngwa.
PE PVC Igwe eji ewepu mgbidi okpukpu abụọ
PE PVC Igwe eji ewepu mgbidi okpukpu abụọ
1.High na-eri arụmọrụ na ogologo ndụ
2.High kwụsie ike na nkenke arụmọrụ
3.High akpaaka ogo
4.High mmepụta arụmọrụ
5.Good mgbe-ahịa ọrụ -
PVC Electric Conduit abụọ Pipe Extrusion Machine
16mm-40mm Plastic PVC Conduit Pipe Extrusion Line, ike nke profaịlụ nwere ike họrọ 50-800kgs / awa.Na-ebupụ ngwa igwe nke teknụzụ ebuli elu pụrụ iche nke ụlọ ọrụ anyị.Ọ nwere uru nke ịrụ ọrụ kwụsiri ike, ntụkwasị obi dị mma na nnukwu ịdọrọ ike.Ntọala oghere na-eji usoro jụrụ oyi dị ugbu a gbasaa pụrụ iche, nke na-eme ka ọ dị jụụ na nhazigharị iji gboo mkpa nke extrusion dị elu.A na-emekọrịta ọsọ ọsọ nke igwe na-egbutu ya na ọsọ ịbịaru waya.A na-achịkwa omume niile site na PLC bubata, imewe ezi uche, arụ ọrụ kwụsiri ike, ogologo igbutu akpaaka.
110-315mm Pee ọkpọkọ mmepụta akara
HDPE PE PP PPR PVC Pipe Ime Machine Plastic Water Supply Energy Pipe Tube Production Line Extrusion Extruder Machine
Agricultural Irrigation mmiri ọkọnọ&ofufe usoro&Gas supply usoro& rchitectural mmiri ọkọnọ.
Usoro mmepụta
nke Pipe Production Line: Hopper Dryer → Single Screw Extruder → Extrusion Mold → Co-extruder → Vacuum Calibration Cooling Tank → fesa
Tank jụrụ oyi → nkeji ịpụpụ → Cutter → Stacker -
PP, Pee mkpuchi anwụrụ mmepụta akara
PPR PP HDPE PE Plastic Pipe Extrusion Machine/ Ime igwe/Ahịhịa Mmepụta
Teknụzụ kachasị ọhụrụ nwere imewe Spiral.
Nchara dị mma 40Cr nwere Nitrogen menyụọ iji mee ka ịdịmma ahụ sie ike.
Nhazi kacha ọhụrụ nke Die support trolley, yana ihe nrụzi dị mfe -
PP-R atọ n'ígwé anwụrụ mmepụta akara
Plastic HDPE PPR Pipes Multi-Layer PE Tube Co-Extrusion Production Line
Plastic Multi-Layer Pipe PPR Pipe Extrusion Production Line Machine
1. Pipe extrusion akara maka mmepụta nke atọ oyi akwa ọkpọkọ ike na fiberglass.
“Fiber PPR” PPR-GF (Glass Fiber) bụ ngwakọta nke polypropylene na-enweghị usoro copolymer na polypropylene jupụtara n'enyo.
Ubi nke ngwa: Pipes maka mmiri nrụgide.(Maka mmiri ọkụ ma ọ bụ oyi, maka ikpo ọkụ)
Pipe dayameta: 16-63mm na 75-110mm -
Plastic egweri Mill pulverizer
Plastic Recycling Machine: SMP series is to the Turbo-type pulverizer for hard pvc.Different number of blades can be ahazi dị ka size nke egweri oghere.It bụ tumadi maka ike PVC, ABS, EVA , PVC ọkpọkọ, plastic profaịlụ na otú on.Rigid PVC Pipe Pulverizer/Miller/Milling Machine, anyị nwere ụdị SMP400.500.600 PVC UPVC CPVC Pulverizer Machine Ime ntụ ntụ
Plastic Crusher/ Shredder
Plastic Crusher / Grinder / Granulator / Shredder Grind PVC Pipes, A na-eji igwe mkpofu ihe mkpofu dị elu / plastik na-akụpịa plastik, rọba, eriri, akwụkwọ, osisi, nnukwu ihe oghere (nnukwu akpa dị ka mkpọ rọba) na mkpofu agwakọta dị iche iche, karịsịa ndị nwere ígwè, ma ọ bụ ngwá ọrụ ndị a zọpịara tupu egwepịa ya dị ka ájá.iberibe.Enwere ike ịkwado ihe na-egwepịa oghere na-eji ngwaọrụ pịa iji mee ka mmepụta ahụ dịkwuo elu.Enwekwara ike ịgbakwunye ihuenyo na-atụgharị iji jikwaa nha nha.Mgbe okpukpu abụọ shredder na-agba ọsọ na obere ọsọ, mkpọtụ na uzuzu nwere ike iru ụkpụrụ gburugburu ebe obibi dị elu.