Igwe eji agwakọta PVC na-ekpo ọkụ na oyi rọba
The unit na-ejikọta okpomọkụ Ịgwakọta na jụụ Ịgwakọta ọnụ.The ihe mgbe okpomọkụ Ịgwakọta nwere ike na-enweta n'ime jụụ igwekota maka obi jụrụ na-akpaghị aka, agwụcha fọdụrụ gas na-ezere agglomerates.
Ọ bụ ngwa dị mma maka ịgwakọta plastik.Automatic plastic Dryer Mixer Machine PVC Powder Vertical ma ọ bụ Nchikota Hot Cold Mixing.
Igwe igwe igwe igwe , Igwe igwe ihe igwe na-eme ka ọ dị mma maka PVC. -
Plastic egweri Mill pulverizer
Plastic Recycling Machine: SMP series is to the Turbo-type pulverizer for hard pvc.Different number of blades can be ahazi dị ka size nke egweri oghere.It bụ tumadi maka ike PVC, ABS, EVA , PVC ọkpọkọ, plastic profaịlụ na otú on.Rigid PVC Pipe Pulverizer/Miller/Milling Machine,anyị nwere ụdị SMP400.500.600 PVC UPVC CPVC Pulverizer Machine Ime ntụ ntụ
Plastic Crusher/ Shredder
Plastic Crusher / Grinder / Granulator / Shredder Grind PVC Pipes, A na-eji igwe mkpofu ihe mkpofu dị elu / plastik na-akụpịa plastik, rọba, eriri, akwụkwọ, osisi, nnukwu ihe oghere (nnukwu akpa dị ka mkpọ rọba) na mkpofu agwakọta dị iche iche, karịsịa ndị nwere ígwè, ma ọ bụ ngwá ọrụ ndị a zọpịara tupu egwepịa ya dị ka ájá.iberibe.Enwere ike ịkwado ihe na-egwepịa oghere na-eji ngwaọrụ pịa iji mee ka mmepụta ahụ dịkwuo elu.Enwekwara ike ịgbakwunye ihuenyo na-atụgharị iji jikwaa nha nha.Mgbe okpukpu abụọ shredder na-agba ọsọ na obere ọsọ, mkpọtụ na uzuzu nwere ike iru ụkpụrụ gburugburu ebe obibi dị elu.
Igwe eji emegharị pelletizer/pelletizing
100-1000kg/H Waste PP PE BOPP Plastic Film Jumbo Bag Rerind Plastic Scraps Pelletizer Two Stage Plastic Crushed Granulator Machine
A na-eji igwe granulator rọba a na-emegharị ihe mkpofu rọba iji mee flakes rọba ka ọ bụrụ pellets ma ọ bụ granules.
Na ahịrị pelletizing okpukpu abụọ dị mma karịsịa maka akụrụngwa nke nwere oke mmiri, adịghị ọcha.
Nke mbụ ogbo extruder adopts iyuzucha ụdị gbọmgbọm ịghasa, nke nwere ike n'ụzọ dị irè de-gassing na iwepu mmiri na mmetọ;
Na nke abụọ extruder na-emekarị nakweere obere L / D extruder, n'ihu plasticizing ihe na nyo ofufe nke nwere ike nweta kwụsiri extrusion. -
Igwe na-akpụzi injection na ebu
Injection Molding Machine na ebu, Anyị na-arụpụta ụdị dị iche iche nke injection ịkpụzi igwe na nso na-amalite site 50 Ton ka 3300 Ton.
Ihe owuwu a na-anabata ụdị ụdị European, oke njikarịcha kachasị na ike nkesa, etiti ahụ na-eji akụrụngwa siri ike na nka nrụpụta, na-ekwe nkwa igwe zuru oke siri ike, nkwụsi ike a pụrụ ịdabere na ya.Ọrụ dị mfe ma dị mfe High nkenke, oke ọsọ, kwụsiri ike, mkpọtụ dị ala siri ike siri ike, ntụkwasị obi na ịdịte aka
Anyị na-ere igwe injection nke ụda dị iche iche, nha dị iche iche, ụdị dị iche iche: ụdị ngwakọ, ụdị hydraulic, igwe na-emepụta ihe na-emepụta ihe ọkụ eletrik.
Ihe gbasaraulo oru mmiri chiller, chiller anyị nwere ụdị abụọ: ikuku jụrụ chiller na mmiri chiller jụrụ., ọ na-adabere na egwuregwu extrusion akara ikike, ihe atụ PVC ụfụfụ osisi igwe anyị na-atụ aro iji ihe nlereanya 20P chiller,
Igwe na-akụ ọkpọ ọkpọ PVC na-akpaghị aka
Plastic Pipes Auto Belling-MachineNkọwapụta
ọkpọkọ mgbịrịgba igwe
igwe maka ịgbasa ọkpọkọ plastikNkọwa ngwaahịa zuru ezu
A na-eji igwe mgbịrịgba ọkpọ ọkpọ PVC / PVC ọkpọkọ akpaaka na-akụ ụda iji gbasaa njedebe nke ọkpọkọ PVC maka njikọ.Ọ nwere ike ime udi abụọ, "R" ọnụ na "U".na formachine, e nwere ụdị abụọ, otu zuru akpaka, ọzọ bụ ọkara akpaka.